BaleBuster1 - One Bale Package for convenience, ORGANIC formula $19.99 FREE SHIPPING!
BaleBuster1 - is our 100% organic bale conditioning formula containing natural porcine blood meal, trichoderma reesei fungi, and bacillus subtilis bacteria, which are all perfectly safe for users and pets (even if a pet happens to eat some of it). We have packaged BaleBuster1 in the perfect quantity for preparation of one bale, and includes enough material for season long application. The gardener only needs to provide the bale of straw or hay and water. Position bales in a sunny location, since vegetables love the sunshine. Start the preparation of bales as early as 20 days prior to your AVERAGE last frost, or anytime after. Bales are ready to plant in approximately 18 days, depending on weather. In FULL DISCLOSURE TO BUYERS: It is important to note that this material can and often does cause some bad odor for a short time and some flies are attracted to the organic contents of the BaleBuster. This is all natural, and part of Mother Nature's normal decomposition process, but it is sometimes unpleasant, so please purchase with this understanding. Anyone can be a great gardener by using BaleBuster1 to prepare their own organic vegetable garden.